This post is a little bit late. I have no excuse. I simply keep forgetting to post it. We had a super fun day and some cute pictures to go along with it so I dont want to completely neglect it though so here it is.
We decided it would be fun to take my parents with us to spend the night at the Tuttle cabin. We had origionally planned to spend Friday night and return Saturday. But then my parents realized they had no one to stay with their dog and my dad might not be out of work in time so we changed our plans and decided to go Saturday morning.
We later learned that my brother Brandon decided to go play basketball instead of coming with us so he could've watched the dog and my dad left work early....oh well such is life.
We drove up to where the snowmobiles are kept. Unloaded....okay lets be honest the guys did most of the unloading and we just put the waterbottles in our backpacks and kept warm in the truck :-) Then it was off to the cabin. Can I just say the mountains are gorgeous when it snows!
We played games, ate yummy treats, and enjoyed hot chocolate by the fire. When we went back outside my wonderful, sweet, caring husband decided it would be in his best interest to throw me into the snow. Well obviously that means war so my mom took pictures of us tumbling down the hillside in the snow. Super fun! Not so fun trying to get back uphill when I kept sinking to my waist....but we had a good laugh.
We had planned on heading back much much much earlier but the timekeeper decided playing was more fun :-)
So after grabing lunch in Heber we made it home with 15mins for me to shower, change and get ready to go to the Jazz game with some of the Tuttle clan. I flew to get ready but really as most of you girls know, it is very difficult to achieve all of that in such a short period of time. So I left with wet hair haha the rest of me was ready so maybe that counts.
I have to admit I am very easily distracted when we are with her because she has the best stories! So we wispered back and forth through a lot of the game :-)
So it was a fun-packed day! Time with both families and really we had a blast doing everything
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