Okay Okay so I have no excuse for my lack of posts....it started as I was too busy finishing school but I'm done and I still did not post for 4 months haha. I have made it my new goal to use my blog as a bit of a journal in hopes it will increase my blogging. Since it would no doubt be torturous to catch up all at once I will do a quick overview of what we have been up to and then for the big ones I will go back and give a bit more detail (maybe)...

We ended last year pretty well. I was sick from about Thanksgiving on but I did manage to finish (and pass) my 20 credits and maintain my job, not so much either of our sanity but we sure tried. Brad's birthday was so much fun. I rented the flow-rider at Provo Beach Resort and had a party with our family and friends. I even had a cake made to look like a big Boston Red Sox hat but still made his favorite homemade cupcakes :-) I know I know hold the applause
He also pulled off a wonderful GOLDEN birthday for me. Yes 24 on the 24th pretty sweet. He had gold tablecloths, gold balloons, gold party favors, gold sprinkles on the cake that even matched the gold star confetti. In case you can't picture it yet it was a dazzling (or blinding) gold party. He even bought gold wrapping paper and bags for people to put their gifts in...WOW!

Christmas was with my parents and was incredible and we did much better working out the Christmas in a way that we could see both families. I got a teapot, a pearl set that I still am drooling over, an Ipad and Brad handmade me a huge mirror jewelry box. Yes ladies you should be jealous because he did an incredible job. I mean the wood is carved in vines and flowers to match our wedding invites and the inside is grey and pink because those were our colors. Its a mirror that can be mounted on the wall and then swings open to a HUGE jewelry display on the inside. I could not believe how creative and wonderful it was.

January was school starting and me still sick. We did get to go to Sun Valley which was so neat. It is a Tuttle tradition that I was anxious to be a part of. It is such a beautiful area with so many cute restaurants and fun places. Guess who was sick...oh was that not a difficult question? Ha well I decided that even though I had been diagnosed with pneumonia the day before we left ,Skiing would be good idea, afterall we
were in Sun Valley. I learned that skiing in the cold with pneumonia is actually a bad bad idea. I just about cried getting off the mountain and was shocked that I made it down haha. So the other days that the family went skiing Grandma Tuttle, Kathrynn, and I had fun playing with the kids at the cabin :-) Brad had a wonderful time competing with, oh I mean skiing with his brothers. Beautiful place that I hope to go back to soon.
We somehow made it through school even with both of us being diagnosed with Mono in March haha no official word on who gave it to who but I will say Brad recovered much quicker than I which brings into question who must have had it first ;-)
Brad was so incredibly excited to finally purchase new hockey gear!! It has been a long time coming and I could not be any happier for him. He loves hockey and is a pretty good player so it will be such a fun thing for him to have.
The best part was I GRADUATED!!!! Hallelujah!!! It was so exciting for me and of course we had to party. My mom threw a wonderful shoe themed party with a black and pink cake. Does she know her daughter or what? My parents gave me a beautiful Sapphire and diamond ring, my in-laws gave me $ to go buy a pretty outfit and yes it included sparkle shoes, and Brad got me a mattress that I had been begging for. LOVED IT!

The fun did not end there, we left a few days later for Missouri. This time we had Shannon (my sister in-law) and Brandon (my youngest brother) in tow. Taking Brandon was his graduation present from the Tuttle's and us as well. We were technically there for the Kansas City Temple dedication and a temple sealing for a couple that Brad taught but we managed to fit in a lot of other fun filled activities. We went to Nauvoo, Carthage, attempted Hauns-Mill (flooding prevented this excursion), Adam-ondi-ahman, Far West and all the best BBQ places. Such a special experience for us to share and one I will always remember!

Summer did not go how I planned but I will post about that next. Even though it did not go as planned it did fly by. Brad worked a ton, Ben started working with him which helped him save for school. We welcomed a new niece in June. Sweet tiny Aurianna and we celebrated Deacon (4) and Kyla's (2) birthdays. My family spent weekends in Park City for the 4th of July and a few weeks later we also enjoyed river rafting in Moab. With Brad's family we enjoyed a few weekends at the cabin. We helped my brothers move down to St. George because they are both attending Dixi this semester. Brad started school and I am still loving my job.
I know it was still long but give me some credit that is a whole year there! Stay tuned because there will be more to come :-)
Pictures that did not make the cut and any one who knows me knows that I LOVE pictures!!
Happy Easter Tobias |
Deacon enjoying the Egg Hunt |
Red Sox game |
Seven Peaks with the cousins |
what to do after a horrible day? Go to the zoo with Mom of course |
Aquarium for Friday 13th |
Aurianna loves her Uncle Brad |
Deacon and Kyla were so excited to meet the Bee |