Okay so my little brother...well let's be honest he is by no means smaller than me but he is younger....left for his mission on October 13th. I was so excited this past Tuesday when I recieved my first piece of mail from him. I have in fact received 2 emails which has been wonderful but his girlfriend has been mailed 3 letters! Yes I know 3! I will be the one to for sure wait for him until he comes back and I have even hung out with her to be nice since he has been gone but she is the one to have 3 letters! Okay so mine was just a postcard but it was super sweet. Plus last week I was having a hard time dealing with friends. To me being married is the greatest thing ever and has been such a blessing. Two of my closest friends have completely disowned me since the wedding which for some reason I took a bit hard at first. One because I chose to spend time on a weekend trip that we had been planning for 2 moths with Ben 3 days before he was leaving on his mission and by doing so I missed her bridal shower. The other well I don't really know...we've been friends for 19 years and then after the wedding she refused to talk to me. I mean really completely ignored all of my attempts even when I showed up with a boquet of flowers for her birthday. Well Ben had the nicest things to say and really cheered me up. I knew my husband would have nice words to say because he is my husband and that is what he does but hearing it from my brother who is known to be very blunt in all situation was comforting. I figured if I had been in the wrong he would have called me out for it but instead he had comforting words which was just what I had needed. I am so happy for him. He is loving his area, he loves his trainer, and
thinks everything is amazing. Its been so nice to see the great blessings his misison has brought.